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On behalf of in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+7Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: behalfhalfin halfhalfwaybehaviorbehavioralon boardcall for
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31. He gave what amounted to an apology on behalf of his company.
32. I'm writing on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift.
33. The organization has been set up to lobby the government on behalf of all the people who have lost their pensions.
34. The central government collects the tax revenue on behalf of local behalf of.html
35. He has exerted himself tirelessly on behalf of the charity.
36. At the airport he read an address of welcome on behalf of the association.
37. The settlement ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents.
38. Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues.
39. An appeal is to be launched on behalf of the refugees.
40. The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.
41. I accept it on behalf of freedom.
42. On behalf of them all Tony Pite, tennis club chairman, presented Mr. Offer with a leather wallet.
43. She was met with a barrage of abuse on behalf of the President of the United States.
44. He was a member of the Shropshire grand jury and frequently acted on behalf of his parish in legal matters.
45. The president's lobbying on behalf of his programme was uneven and spasmodic.
46. The Princess Royal yesterday made an impassioned plea for help on behalf of the country's six million carers.
47. Micropalaeontological studies on recovered core samples have been used for stratigraphical studies on behalf of petroleum exploration companies.
48. He speaks on behalf of millions of poor and disadvantaged people who have too few advocates.
49. They contract with hospitals to buy services on behalf of patients and can use any surpluses to invest in the practice.
50. To do nothing on behalf of the socially deprived is to him basically irreligious.
51. The couple were determined their honeymoon should be too,( despite equal determination on behalf of the world's press to keep them company.
52. But such an identification was probably more than merely an exercise in wish-fulfilment by the ego on behalf of the id.
53. A neighbour retaliated on behalf of his fallen friend and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke.
54. Mildred Pierce slaves on behalf of her child, and the ungrateful kid ends up seducing her husband!
55. Of course I appreciate the concerns expressed by the hon. Member for Londonderry, East on behalf of his constituents.
56. The study has been commissioned by Liverpool University on behalf of the local health authorities.
57. Under the Government's fund-holding initiative, doctors have control over their own spending on behalf of patients for the first time.
58. But Petrocelli decided instead to file a judgment on behalf of Goldman alone.
59. Although writing on behalf of cycling interests, these do coincide to an extent with the interests of walkers and horse riders.
60. He has a young friend, a kid he debriefed on behalf of the Agency.
More similar words: behalfhalfin halfhalfwaybehaviorbehavioralon boardcall forfall forcall forthon businessbehindhallwaywhaleshallowmalfunctionfall behindrehabilitationchallengedhallelujahleave behindbehind schedule
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